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Sekai • 2 years ago


Attila Szántó • 2 years ago

So Kogoro was messing with Conan phone while being drunk, set a photo of Conan and himself as wallpaper and Conan didn't want to change it. Also Haibara's wallpaper is not much better.

Sekai • 2 years ago

They mentioned that building Hakase used his bomb invention and where Detective Sato got trapped

Dio Joestar • 7 months ago

that's different building

Sekai • 2 years ago

Haibara screaming like a kid😳

bari • 2 years ago

conan, that must have hurt

Wiz Kidd • 2 years ago

Talking in front of a staircase in a pretty much empty building is a great way to be exposed.

Tripple-A • 7 months ago

5:40 It's amazing that Genta could squeeze through that gap.

strange guy • 1 year ago

The case is fine but seriously we didn’t need some recap

strange guy • 1 year ago

Still don’t know why they had to mention last episode and move on to the next case

LesK • 1 year ago

i don't know whomever wrote this one, but it makes absofuckinglutely NO sense in any way, shape, form, or fashion.

1 you're hiding out in an abandoned building, IN THE CENTER OF TOWN!? what are the neighbors going to think? that you are TWO workers... JUST TWO!? going in and out of the building that's going to be demolished in a week or so. stupid.

2 Conan figures out something... GET THE HELL OUTTA THE BUILDING FIRST! don't stand there explaining shit. get out, then call the cops. stupid.

3 if you ignore 1 and 2. SPLIT THE HELL UP! DON'T GAGGLE AROUND LIKE A FLOCK OF GDAMN GEESE! everybody that has a phone, split up, hide, and call the cops, EACH OF YOU! call the damn cops! the ones who don't have a phone, distract the bad guys! one of the kids hiding will make it through to 119 or 110 or whatever the emergency number is in Japan and get help. stupid.

4 you're hiding out in that building. WHY LEAVE ANY ENTRANCES UNSECURED!? what, do you WANT a hobo/bum/homeless person wandering into your hideout? the guys obviously know how to open, close, and lock the shutter door... so why did they leave it open in the first place? stupid.

no, i'm not accepting the excuse they're 7 years old and they don't know any better. they've been wandering amongst cops and criminals and crime-scenes for MONTHS now. the writers either make them smart and getting smarter every time, or they keep them dumb all. the. time, and they're just Conan's flunkies doing whatever he wants them to.